Saturday, May 14, 2011

Obesity: "The most disgusting disease of them all."

Despite the title, I do not believe that obesity is a disease. The idiots who claim this only do so because they are the same gutless cowards you have heard me talk about in previous articles. They are afraid to tell people what is really wrong with them therefore no forward progress is ever made and instead of the number of fat-asses decreasing, it is at an all-time high. I have a strong feeling of disgust towards fat people but my feelings for the doctors, nutrition & healthcare professionals who tell them they have a "disease" are probably equally strong. It is because of these pussies that fat fucks feel as if its ok for them to be the way they are. Fat people are gross. They look disgusting with their deformed bodies with rolls and their fat, misshapen faces.  In addition to their obvious physical repulsiveness, they can be quite annoying.  Have you ever been around a far-ass porker after they have recently performed any sort of physical activity? Yea, gross. They weeze for about an hour or until they get a chance to chug down some maple syrup or bacon grease. They are ALWAYS sweating. It doesn't matter if they walk from the couch to the kitchen to get their bucket of fried chicken, a fat ass is going to sweat. Now being fat poses lots of problems other than being made fun of by assholes like me. Fatties usually have a strong odor which is composed of fried foods, body odor, stale urine, and possibly some sort of cheap cologne or spray-on deodorant. Why cheap you ask? Because they spent all their money on food.  And oinkers tend to use spray-on deodorant because they are too fat to reach their armpits. Now back to the point. You usually don't become morbidly obese running marathons so we already know that ALL fatties are extremely lazy. Having all that extra skin and rolls poses a problem for the fattie if he/she ever decides to put down the double quarter pounder w/ cheese and take a shower. Showering on a regular basis is out of the question for the average sweathog so they try to mask their god-awful stench with cologne in hopes of not causing widespread vomiting if they do by some miracle ever get out of the house. Despite all of the physical fuckedupness that fatbodies possess, there is one thing about them that makes me madder than having to look at the unfortunate mess that is their body. Their attitude. I mentioned earlier that healthcare professionals believe that obesity is a "disease" and that these free-range Holsteins are predestined to be repulsive and there is nothing that can be done about it.  Naturally, every greasy hog that hears this is going to immediately buy into it because who really wants to take the blame for looking like that? You constantly hear about these ploys people have to fight obesity but none of it works because the people coming up with the ideas are major pussies. The only way there will be any advances in getting rid of all the fat ass idiots is if we start a nationwide campaign of relentless abuse toward the porker community. I believe the younger the age the better so they should be teased and verbally abused by both teacher and peer as early as kindergarten. These junior crisco kids should not be allowed to do anything fun, only exercise at recess while the normal kids get to play. Fatties can quite obviously motivate themselves and they clearly need the help of us normal people, so do our country a favor today and make fun of a fat person! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Liberals (Gun Control)

Gun control is just another scheme the liberals came up with to level the playing field (read: to make everyone as big of a vagina as they are.) They basically think that taking guns out of the hands of everyone eliminates the chance of a criminal obtaining said weapon.  What these liberal fuck-shits don't realize, and what proves that this hairbrain idea is in fact stupid as shit, is the fact that a criminal is gonna get a gun if he wants a gun.  So, in trying to eliminate the right to bear arms you take guns away from good guys who more than likely are not going to break the law to get more guns, while shitbox criminals will.
I agree that guns should be controlled but I think the gov't should go at it from a logical angle. First of all they should enforce some sort of IQ requirement because we all know there is nothing worse than a retard with a gun.  Second, they should definitely check where the person lives. For instance,  if they live in the projects they are probably dangerous enough already, they don't need the help of a gun. And third, maybe a urine test, if they fail for crack, they should not be allowed gun ownership. I say all of this somewhat jokingly because controlling the sale of weapons is a losing battle and the more our gov't tries to control it the worse it gets. For all the fairytale liberals I say stop trying to put your noses in something you know nothing about.  There are plenty of things in this fucked up world for you to complain about.  Fuck Barack Obama

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Britney Spears

Let me start by saying I'm not too cultured on her, I jus know that once people stopped listening to her god-forsaken music she had to resort to dumb shit like shaving her head & flashing her nasty old goober in front of 100s of photographers. Its gotten to the point where she is so worthless, noone would even watch if the dumb bitch fellated a clydesdale for the celebrity performance on American Idol.

Interracial Marriage

First of all I must warn the sensitive (weak-minded, gutless, socks with sandals hippie type) reader. This, like anything that conveys dominance, is not for you. I'm gonna go at this from the angle of the children because as much as it pains me to say it, those little snot nosed fuckheads are the future of our country. I can break down interracial marriage with a very simple comparison. Ever notice that when someone has a dog that gets knocked up by a random stray, they generally give the puppies away? On the other hand, when a dog gets pregnant by another of its species they can basically charge whatever they want. This is because these "mutts" are, in most cases viewed as worthless. They are unattractive, you cant train them for shit, and they eat your couch. In contrast, pure-bred dogs always look good, they are always smarter, and they don't eat your fucking couch. The same applies for humans, a kid who is the result of an interracial marriage is almost always ugly, they are generally mentally challenged and they usually cant do anything right. 

Now, some may say this is racist but I say stop being a pussy and open your eyes. Any self respecting person, no matter their race should have enough pride to not want to mix their genes with someone of another race. The bleeding heart hippies will tell you this is inevitable and that one day we will all be the same color but I say nay. The thing that makes America America is the fact that we are so diverse so I say to all the hippies out there, "before you fuck some weirdo from another country, go fuck yourself!"